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Solihill Draft Local Plan update

November 29, 2024

Released: Via Solihull Council Website

 Friday 29th November, 2024

Following the withdrawal of Solihull’s Draft Local Plan, the Council is building on the work already undertaken to develop a new Plan for the borough by issuing a ‘call-for-site submissions’, as set out in the report to Full Council in October. 

On 4 September 2024 the Inspectors appointed to examine Solihull’s Local Plan recommended that it be withdrawn. The matter was considered at Full Council on 8 October 2024, and it was resolved that the Plan would be withdrawn.

Those promoting any sites in this previous Plan will need to re-register their interest to ensure the Council has up-to-date evidence on the availability of any proposed sites. The Council is also keen to receive submissions about sites not previously promoted, especially if they relate to brownfield land opportunities.

Call-for-site submissions opened on Friday 29 November and will close on Friday 31 January 2025, giving interested parties nine weeks to make their submissions

Councillor Andy Mackiewicz, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Planning, said:

“We were deeply disappointed in the Inspectors’ conclusions and reluctantly agreed to withdraw the Plan.

“We are now faced with producing a new Plan that will address the inspectors’ concerns while also protecting our Green Belt and with the best long-term interests of the borough in mind.” 

“The majority of the Plan we had presented to the inspectors was sound, we just need to work through their land supply issues. 

“To begin this process, we need to ask those who had proposed sites to be included in the previous Plan to re-register their interests to make sure we can quickly update an emerging plan with accurate site information. 

“I want to be clear about the importance of a comprehensive approach to submissions. Previously, submissions have often been driven by the land that may be available, often in a single ownership. This can create smaller, more inward facing developments that may be poorly connected to, or isolated from, the settlement that they should be a part of.

“There is potential to look past these boundaries and put forward a larger site that can take advantage of looking at an area more comprehensively. I encourage promoters to therefore work with other landowners and promoters to ensure submissions are made on a comprehensive basis, and joint submissions would most certainly be welcomed.

“The call-for-site submissions should be made via this webpage and will close on 31 January 2025, giving you nine weeks to make your submissions.

“We will publish a new timetable for development of our new Local Plan and will continue to keep everyone appraised of its progress.”